Spiritual Chat 6 - Outline & Summary Version About Spiritual Chat 6 Title: "Letting Bawa Become Our Second God", Date: March 3, 2002 Chat Between: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) and Rumi
Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum. My love you, my dearest brothers and sisters. Outline of This Spiritual Chat
in our life, or connecting the tip of the arrow with the arrow, the arrow with the bow, and the bow with the archer connection to God direction connection with God of God be upon Him), by our making "our knowing that God knows enough" allowing our life to end blows and the beatings, I will experience all the pain and the suffering." life and words leaves, leave 1. Making The Transition From Here To There
We have not come here to live, that is not why God sent us here. We have come to learn "what we do not know", and having learned what we came here to learn, to leave here and return to our Father. Then we will have a life, a place, and work to perform, there, as One with our Father, but not here, as separate from our Father. We must realize this without the slightest doubt, and act accordingly to be successful in our life, successful both here and there. Amen.
My dearest loving sister Rumi, His Holiness teaches us that we have come here to "learn what we do not know", and having learned what we came here to learn, to return to our Father, to live as one with our Father.
And to accomplish this, God has given us three different ways of being with Him, as separate from Him, as One with Him, and as Him.
In this way, we Have 3 God's in our life, our mother and father, our Shaikh, and God, and with the coming of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) into all of our lives, we must now learn to make the transition from being here to being there, to being with God as separate from God to being with God as One with God.
We must now make the transition from the first way of being with God, as "separate from" God, the way of our mother and father, the way of our body and our world, to the second way of being with God, as "one with" God, the way of our Shaikh, of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), the way of grace, wisdom, and ilm or divine knowledge, the way of the Triple Flame of God, the way of the Disciple, the Shaikh, and God, the way of wisdom, which in maturity becomes Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen, the Nur Muhammad within us, the light of wisdom within us, which in maturity becomes Allah Muhammad within us, when the Alif becomes the pillar of the sukun of the mim.
With the mim being the first thing created by God, through which everything else is created, the sukun being the circle at the top of the Arabic letter mim, which represents the Creation of God within us, the 18,000 universes within us, or dunya, which when Allah, represented by the Alif, comes to support the sukun, the world within us, allowing the world within us to become the hereafter, the kingdom of God within us, or akhirah, making our life in this way victorious.
But for this to occur within us, we must now make the transition from the first God in our life to the second God in our life, from "us" and God as separate, to "us" and God as one, from the life and teaching of our worldly mother and father, as the first God in our life, as the God of "separation from" in our life, as the God of separation and differences in our life, to the life and teaching of our spiritual Mother and Father, which is the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), as the second God in our life, the God of "oneness with" God in our life, the God of oneness and unity, of justice and truth, of compassion and unity in our life.
We must understand this difference between what we have learned from the life and teaching of our worldly mother and father, and the life and teaching of our Shaikh, of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and make this transition from our first relationship with God, a relationship of "separation from" God, to our second relationship with God, a relationship of "oneness with" God.
Only in this way, by putting down what we now have of God, which is what God has discarded from Himself, which is the separation and differences of His Creation, which is false man, and by picking up what His Holiness has of God, which is what God has embraced and keeps within Himself as one with Himself, which is the oneness of God and His Creation, which is True Man, only in this way, will we ever reach God and from God Himself learn about God, and receive from God what God has of God, which is the Oneness of God and True Man, which is God.
The rest of this letter is what this child was able to retrieve from our last dialogue. We lost the beginning of the chat but most of the main wisdom points of the dialogue were saved and are recorded below. Al-hamdu lillah.
Prior to this point in the dialogue, which is the part of the chat that was lost, we were discussing the problem of making progress in our life, of making either false progress or true progress in our life. And we were making the distinction between "our" progress as "separation from" God, and "our" progress as "oneness with" God, and the role that Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) plays in our transition from a life of "separation from" God to a life of "oneness with" God. 2. "Oneness With" God Versus "Separation From" God
God has given us two different forms of life, to teach us "what we do not know", one form of life is lived as "separate from" God, and the other is lived as "one with" God, and God has created 7 hells and 7 heavens accordingly. If we choose to live separate from God, hell is our home and our wealth, and if we choose to live as one with God, then heaven is our home and our wealth. Only the choice is ours, everything else is God's responsibility, even our going to hell or heaven.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:23 PM]:
All true progress in our life is Bawa's progress in our life, is what Bawa as "one with" God is doing as our life, not what "we" as "separate from" God are doing with our life.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:24 PM]:
That is why we have to get into what Bawa is doing within us, as "one with" God within us, in order to get out of what we are doing within us, as "separate from" God within us.
You are doing "Rumi" as "separate from" God work within you, and Bawa is doing "Rumi" as "one with" God work within you. That is the difference.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:24 PM]:
And you have no other choice, because there is nothing other than "Rumi" as "separate from" God work, that you can do within you.
And Bawa also has no other choice, because there is nothing other than "Rumi" as "one with" God work, that Bawa can do within you.
This is our problem, our "separation from" God, and the life within us that we have become, which by its very nature is "separate from" God, which by its very nature keeps us separate from God, and separate from all that God is one with.
This is our problem, my dearest loving sister Rumi, not "what we do" in our life, but "what we have become" in our life. This is our problem, the life of "separation from" God that we have become, not "what we do with" our life of "separation from" God.
This is our problem, my dearest loving sister Rumi, our doing "anything" with this temporary form of life that we have mistakenly picked up, that we have picked up in our ignorance of ourselves and of our God.
This is our problem, our doing "anything" with our life "as we know it", because by default it is being done as "separate from" God, and has no value, except to nourish all of the lives of separation and differences within us, keeping them alive within us, keeping alive the lives within us which if not destroyed before we die become our suffering in the grave.
Instead, we must give up this form of life, this life of "separation from" God that we have mistakenly picked up in our ignorance, in our ignorance of "who we really are", which is the seed of God's Grace, in our ignorance of "where we really are", which is buried within the earth of God, within the Creation of God, and in our ignorance of "what is really happening" in our life, which is revealing God within True Man by first revealing True Man within God, revealing the sweet taste of the fruit of God by first revealing the Tree of God that lies hidden within the Seed of God, within the Seed of God's Grace that is currently buried within the Earth of God, within the Creation of God within each of us.
In this way, we must put it all down, this life that we have become. we must put down this false life of "separation from" God, that God has given us, and that has mistakenly grown within us in our ignorance of who we are, and at the same time we must pick up the other form of life given to us by God, that grows within the wisdom within us, pick up the life of "oneness with" God within us, the life of the Oneness of God and His Creation within us.
We must pick up the life of our soul within us joined with our wisdom, which is the life of the Qutb of God within us, which are the actions of God within us, and allow it to reveal and join with the light of our wisdom, which is the Nur Muhammad within us, which was hidden by God within our wisdom, which all together make up the life of God within us, the Triple Flame of God within us, the life of the Disciple, the Shaikh, and God, within us, as the One life of God within us, allowing God to finish what He has started within us, which is to reveal God within God within us, by revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, which is the dunya within us, allowing True Man to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us, which is akhirah within us. This is what we must do.
And we do this by joining in partnership with the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, to make this transition from the life of "separation from" God within us, to the life of "oneness with" God within us, the life of the Oneness of God and His Creation within us, which is True Man within us, and within that the life of the Oneness of True Man and His Creation, which is God within us. This is what we must do. 3. Start Each Sentence, Each Act, With The Word "Bawa"
Start everything with the word "Bawa", inviting Bawa to come out of our innermost heart into our mind. Only this will cause our mind and desire to sit down, allowing our wisdom to liberate our soul from the cross of our elemental body. Realize this with a melting heart and act accordingly.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:26 PM]:
So start each sentence, and each act, with the word "Bawa", inviting Him to participate, to join us in each thing that we undertake, and in this way step out with "Bawa", and in this way, end everything within "Bawa".
Then and only then will things change in our life, because "Bawa" is not of our mind and desire. Bawa is of God within us, is of what God is doing within us, which is revealing God within God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God in the 18,000 universes within us, within man and within God and within God and within man, within us.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. 4. Stop Trying To Get Ready To Go To God
Stop trying to get ready to go to God, this is wrong and will not work, because only God can go to God, and we have God within us. So use God to get to God. Then we will be successful.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:28 PM]:
Bawa teaches us that
"We don't get ready to go to God, we just go to God."
So stop getting ready to go to God, stop trying to prepare yourself, or become worthy to go to God, or become acceptable to God. Stop trying to use "you" to get to God.
And as His Holiness teaches us,
"Stop working for wages to get into heaven."
If we do this kind of work thinking we can earn our way into heaven or nearness to God, we will be very disappointed.
In this way, stop trying to use what God has discarded to get to God. That is all wrong and will not result in a successful outcome.
Instead use "God" to get to God, use what God has personally placed within each of His Children, as the Guardian of the soul, to get to God, which is our wisdom, which for this age is the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
May we both do this, my sweet dearest sister Rumi. 5. The Name of God For This Age Is "Bawa"
The name of God for our age is "Bawa" because the name of God for each age is the name of the direct connection to God provided by God for each age, the name of the wisdom that God has personally placed within the Children of God for each age, and for this age, that name is Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:28 PM]:
We must all realize that the name of God for this age is "Bawa", so when we say, "Bawa" we are saying "God", we are saying "God" for those of us who are still living in our ignorance, in the darkness of our life, for us who are still in the state of separation and differences, for those of us who are still living a life of "separation from" God rather than a life of "oneness with" God.
For His Holiness teaches us,
"The moon is only bright to those who are standing in the darkness."
So as long as we are in the darkness of our life, which is the life of separation and differences that we see as existing "outside" of us, then God for us is the Light of God reflected in the heart of a True Human being, and for this age that is our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). 6. We Have Three Gods In Our Life
We have three Gods in our life, our mother and father, our Shaikh, and God. We must now make the transition from our first relationship with God, which is us as separate from God, to our second relationship with God, which is us as one with God.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:29 PM]:
Remember Bawa teaches us that we have 3 God's in our life. Our first God is our physical mother and father. Our mother teaches us about our body, and our father teaches us about the world.
Our second God is our Shaikh. He teaches us about our soul and the relationship between our soul and God.
Rumismith [5:30 PM]:
Yes, Al-hamdu lillah, Bawa is the best company, I felt so lonely in my heart.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:30 PM]:
And our third God is God. He teaches us about God.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:31 PM]:
So we will not learn anything about God until we have become the Shaikh, then God teaches the Shaikh about God causing the Shaikh to disappear into God.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:32 PM]:
We are at the stage when we must put down all that our mother and father have taught us, and also put them down as "God", and in order to do this, we must pick up what our Shaikh teaches us, and we must pick Him up as "God".
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:32 PM]:
This is the transition we are all currently in, going from our mother and father as God to our Shaikh as God, believing and trusting in our body and our world, as God, believing and trusting in our life of "separation from" God, as God, to believing and trusting in our wisdom, as God, to our direct connection with God, as God, to our life of "oneness with" God, as God.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:33 PM]:
And only when we have successfully made this transition, from worshipping our mother and father, as God, worshipping our body and our world, as God, worshipping our life of "separation from" God, as "God", and begin to worship our wisdom, our Shaikh, our life of "oneness with" God, as God, only then, can the Shaikh start to move our life forward on the path of God within us. 7. The One Problem That We Face In Our Life
The inside of us verses the outside of us. This is the one problem that we all face in our life. To be victorious in our life, the qualities of our inner selves must become victorious over the qualities of our outer selves.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:35 PM]:
There is no other problem that we face in our life, either we make our Shaikh, the life of "oneness with" God within us, as God "within us", either we make the life and teaching of our Shaikh within us, as God "within us", or continue, in our ignorance, to make "us" as "separate from" God, to make "us" as the life of separation and differences that we see as existing "outside" of us, as "God" "outside of us".
And having successfully made this transition, from the false life and teaching of God "outside" of us, to the true life and teaching of God "inside" of us, begin treating the life and teaching of our Shaikh in this way, as the life and teaching of God "inside" of us, accepting all that Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) says and does within us as what God is saying and doing within all of us in this age, within all of the Children of God for this age, for in truth all of the Children of God for this age are within us, not outside of us, all of the Children of God for this age are us, are one with us, not separate from us.
Everything else, everything but this truth of "who we are" is false, this truth that we are the Seed of God's Grace within us, and as such that we are the story of True Man within the Creation of God within us, and anything but this truth of "where we are" is false, this truth that we are buried within the Creation of God within us, ready to germinate as the Seed of God's Grace and reveal the Tree of God's Grace within us, which is True Man.
And anything but this truth of "what is happening" in our life is false, this truth that God within us is secretly trying to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, so True Man within us can reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us. We must realize this without the slightest doubt.
Everything but this truth of our life is false, and as such all that we see and do in the world is but a distraction from this truth of us, and should be treated as such, as but a distraction from the truth of us, and as such not given any importance or significance in our life.
In this way, we must always strive, in partnership with the life and teaching of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) to make what is false in our life smaller and smaller, and at the same time to make what is true in our life bigger and bigger.
"For the Silent One to appear as Grace, To find the world as a tiny thing, To destroy Sorrow which is a maiden, With help from the Master Guru's graceful way, Seek and learn standing on the path, And ask with a melting heart." 8. Realize The False And The Truth of Ourselves
The false of us is our life of "separation from" God, that God personally gave to each of us, And the truth of us is our life of "oneness with" God, that God also personally gave to each of us. The Choice is now ours, not God's.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:37 PM]:
Everything we know from our mother and father, from our body and our world, from our life of "separation from" God, is false, but we can never get rid of it until we make this transition, this transition from "outside" to "inside", from "us" as separate from God and God as separate from "us", to "us" as one with God and God as one with us, from the separation of "us" and God "outside" of us, to the oneness of "us" and God "inside" of us, from "our" life of separation and differences in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, to the life of the Shaikh "inside" of us, as the life of God within our life, as the oneness of God and us "inside" of us.
As long as we still believe in our body and our world, in our life of "separation from" God, living in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, nothing of the Shaikh is of any value to us, not His life or His teachings. That is our problem. 9. Become Peaceful In Your Pit of Fire
We must learn to live peacefully within our pit of fire, realizing that in truth it is the only way to reach God, the only way to learn "what we do not know", the only way to move from the siffat of God, which is the Creation of God, to the Sirr or Secret of God hidden within His Creation, which is the Creation of True Man, the only way to move from the manifestation to the essence, by becoming the Siffat of the Dhat, which are the qualities of God, the Asma al-husna, 99 beautiful names of God.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:40 PM]:
That is true, because deep inside we are all of this, but we are still all that is the opposite of this, and that is our problem, a problem that we just have to accept, and live with, with Sabr, Shukur, Tawwakul-Allah, Al-hamdu lillah, and Allahu Akbar.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:42 PM]:
We have to become Abraham (may the blessings of God be upon Him) in the pit of fire, becoming peaceful within our pit of fire, learning how to say, Al-hamdu lillah and Allahu Akbar, for whatever may come to us, and stop wanting anything else, stop wanting things to change the way our mind and desire think things should change, around "us" as "separate from" God, around "us" as our own personal god, as the center of our universe.
Instead of this self centered form of existence, we must become peaceful with things as they are, accepting what we are receiving as Ok as it is, accepting what we receive as coming from God, but not from God to "us", but coming from God to God within us, to support what God is doing within us, not what we are doing "outside" of us.
In this way, we become a slave of God, letting God use up our life for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, or as His Holiness teaches us,
"To burn ourselves like a candle to bring light to the world".
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:43 PM]:
Stop wanting things to change. Instead. Let them be as they are, knowing that what needs to be done is being done by God.
Spend all of your time behind Bawa. Put Bawa between you and the world, between you and your body, between you and the "Rumi" of "separation from" God, and between You and God. Then you will be safe. And everything that needs to be done to move your life forward will be done. Have faith and trust in this truth. Let this be the staff that you lean on to walk through your life.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:44 PM]:
That is, "Stop wanting things to change", in the way that fits some illusory image of "who you are", of "where you are", and of "what is happening" in your life.
Let this all go, through your faith and trust in God, in the Messenger of God for this age, in the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him). 10. The Three Steps To Oneness With God
"To let Grace spring forth, To let darkness vanish, To let the love of Guru grow, To let qualities be purified, O Graceful Guru, give us a remedy. Show us a way to dispel the darkness in the world."
From the "Invocation To The Guru" in the Book by His Holiness, "The Pearl of Wisdom or Guru Mani", page 11.
Rumismith [5:45 PM]:
Bawa says in one of His books, that when the Shaikh cuts something in us he may bring it to a boil before he cuts it, like the hairdresser making the hair stand up in order to cut it, that is painful to the elements.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:45 PM]:
Yes. Remember, the three steps to Oneness with God that Bawa teaches us about.
First - Our faith and trust in God awakens the Silent One within us.
Second - Our faith and trust in God allows the grace of God to flow in our life, allows the silent One within us to appear as Grace within us.
Third - This flow of God's grace in our life allows things to change in our life, allowing the darkness to vanish from within us, allowing the love of Guru to grow within us, allowing our qualities to be purified, allowing God's intention to be revealed within our life, allowing God to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, which is the dunya within us, which are the 18,000 universes within us, allowing True Man to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us, which is akhirah within us, the Kingdom of God within us.
But it all starts with us putting our faith and trust in God, and in the things of God within us, which is our Soul or original purity, our Wisdom or Shaikh, and our Creator or the Primal One within us, rather than in "us" as separate from God, or in "us" as separate from each other, or in "us" as separate from the Creation of God within us, rather than in our body and in the world that we now see as existing "outside" of us. 11. All Suffering Is God's Suffering
God said to the Prophet Muhammad, "Show them the path to the shore." God said to the Prophet Muhammad, "Have the patience to endure whatever suffering may come. Whatever happens will not happen to you but to Me." He said. "I am the one who will take all the blows and the beatings, I will experience all the pain and the suffering."
From "The Song of Muhammad" in the book, "Maya Veeram or Forces of Illusion", page 101, by His Holiness, M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:46 PM]:
And don't think of this pain as your pain, because Bawa teaches us in the book, "Maya Veeram", that God says,
"All suffering is Mine." 12. Forget Yourself, Speak And Lose Yourself
Realize that the gift of you is God, not you as separate from God, as the gift of the apple seed is the apple tree, not the apple seed separate from the apple tree, and like the apple seed that realizes who it is, and then dies to its seedness, to reveal its treeness, we must realize who we are, as the Seed of God's grace, and die to our seedness and reveal our treeness which is True Man.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:47 PM]:
Stop identifying with the "Rumi" that is separate from God as "you". That "Rumi" of separation is but the darkness within you, the life of darkness that has grown within you as a result of your ignorance of the true "Rumi" within you, the "Rumi" of "oneness with" God within you, and realize that this darkness within you will automatically recede when the Light of God is brought back into the room within you, is brought back into your heart.
And that Light of God within you, which is the Nur Muhammad within you, will automatically come back into the room within you, will automatically come back into your heart, when you turn your focus, your attention to the Light of God within you, when you take your focus off of the darkness of separation and differences within you, off of the life of the "Rumi" that is "separate from" God within you, and onto the life of God within you, which is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you.
So focus on "Bawa" within you, on the life of "oneness with" God within you, and what He is doing within you, which is revealing God within you, not on "Rumi" as "separate from" God within you, and not on the work of "Rumi" as "separate from" God within you, which is the work of selfishness, the work of a self centered existence.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:48 PM]: Forget about the "Rumi" of "separation from" God.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:49 PM]:
Forget her, forget "who she is", forget "what she is doing or should do", and forget "her judgement in the grave". All that thinking is useless work.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:50 PM]:
Instead, think about Bawa, think about what Bawa is doing within you, as the guardian of the soul within you, think about what He has said and is saying within you, think about what He is working on within the life of each of His Children within you, because in truth they are all within you, in truth everything is within you and nothing is outside of you.
Think about what He needs to accomplish within each of His Children within you for them to be victorious in their life, which is to reveal God to God, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God in the 18,000 universes within you.
Beginning of Quote -----
O my dear children, be informed that this "Guru Mani" will reduce into matchwood the evils that follow you and the evils that spread. It will erase the residue of committed sins. These graceful words of the Guru are ancient and glorious words. They will tear the entirety of your sins.
O my children, as precious to me as my eyes, learn the six tastes of the "Guru Mani". Be clarified. Be aware. Feel. Conduct yourself with enlightenment.
Separate each section, individually. Contemplate in solitude. Each section will reveal and illuminate the truth. Kindle the light of your heart in silence. Forget yourself. Speak and lose yourself, talking alone with intensity. Say, "He is One". Your soul will elevate itself.
End of Quote -----
Rumismith [5:52 PM]:
Yes, Al-hamdu lillah, thank you for putting this derailed train back on the tracks. 13. Doing Battle With The Enemy of Our Soul
One day His Holiness told us, "I haven't come for you, I have come for your soul, I have come to awaken the wisdom surrounding your soul, so the wisdom surrounding your soul can do battle with the enemy of your soul." And when this child asked His Holiness who the enemy of my soul was, His Holiness looked right at me and said, "You".
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:53 PM]:
This is the work, shifting our focus off of ourselves as "separate from God", and onto ourselves as "One with God", and the name of ourselves as "One with God" is Bawa.
Bawa is the wisdom surrounding our soul, that God has personally placed within each of us to awaken to the words of God for our age, to awaken to the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) that we first hear "outside" of us.
And then, having awakened to the words of God's Grace for our age, to do battle with the enemy of our soul within us, and the name of the enemy of our soul within us, is "Louie" of "separation from" God, or "Rumi" of "separation from" God, or "(pick any name) of "separation from" God, the name given to us by our mothers and fathers, in their ignorance of themselves, the name given to the life of separation and differences that they saw growing within us, the name given in ignorance of "who they are" to the ignorance of "who we are". 14. Learning To Jump Ship
Like two ships passing in the night, we must realize that there are two of us, each with its own destination, and we have both so we can chose which of the two we want, and that is why we are here, that is the point of our life, either we chose to live as one with God or we chose to live separate from God, and then that is what we get, for the house we build is the house we get, for the justice of God is that whatever we intend is what we will receive.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:55 PM]:
In this way, we are all in the same boat, the boat of "separation from" God, and we all have the same problem, how to jump ship, how to leave this boat of "separation from" God, and transfer to the boat of "oneness with" God, and the name of that boat is "Bawa", which is the name of God for our age.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:57 PM]:
It is just this simple, and it is coming back to this same point, over and over again that allows us to make this transition. In this way, stop worrying about the "Rumi" of "separation form" God.
Instead, let it come to an end, by letting the "Rumi" of "oneness with" God come to life within you, by joining in partnership with the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [5:59 PM]:
Crisi just asked me to do some house work. So we need to stop for a while. But this was very good for Louie and Rumi. My love you my sweet sister. You are a very good child of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
Also, Louie lost connection several times and lost most of our chat. Please mail it to me at: Muhaiyaddeen 786@aol.com.
Rumismith [6:00 PM]:
Ok, we will. Many thanks & much love Rumi.
Muhaiyaddeen786 [6:00 PM]:
May all the peace and blessings of God be upon both of us.
My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Rumismith [6:03 PM]:
I may have to get a different internet server, because I am using Roger & Dana's AOL.
That means when I am on it they can't use it. If I would get one of those free ones could we still IM?
Muhaiyaddeen786 [6:11 PM]:
Yes. We can use the free AIM IM. All we need is access to the internet. Just access AOL Instant Messenger at: www.aim.com, and download their free software.
We can set you up that way. God will provide, my dearest loving sister Rumi.
My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
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